一个非常愉快和易于使用的网站主题. 事实上,Cms和模板怪物总是快速和可解析的支持. 到目前为止,我已经购买了许多主题. 它在各个方面都很精彩. 通过拖放逻辑,非常容易使用, 主题可以根据它提供给你的创造而不受限制地发展. 我强烈推荐它,我将继续使用它. 我再次感谢大家的支持和努力.
北极-商业启动摩托CMS 3模板
\r\n\r\nThe package includes:<\/strong>
\r\n- Template installation;
\r\n- SSL certificate;
\r\n- Changing your website color scheme;
\r\n- Adding your logo;
\r\n- Updating 6 pages with your content;
\r\n- Contact form activation with foolproof testing;
\r\n- Advanced 触点形式 Plugin;
\r\n- Extended on-page SEO optimization to get high SEO ranking and well-targeted organic traffic;
\r\n- 15 images from DepositPhotos;
\r\n- GDPR compliance audit.
\r\n\r\n*We offer 2 free revisions for the color scheme and content changes 服务.
\r\n**It may take up to 20 业务 days to complete all the 服务 that included into the package.
\r\n**The first SEO changes will be visible after the website indexing.
\r\nAlso, we are not making refunds for the completed projects.
","short描述":""},"prices":{"regular":533,"regularLabel":"$533","discount":479,"discountLabel":"$479"},"gee":{"item_id":"1535","item_name":"Offer","affiliation":"FM","discount":0.54,"item_brand":"All-In-One Ready-To-Use Website","item_category":"FM: Moto3&MotoEcomerce: All-In-One Ready-To-Use Website","item_category2":"channel - tm2-preview","item_category3":"ontemplate","item_variant":"premium","price":4.79,"quantity":1,"item_list_name":"Product Page - Moto CMS 3模板","index":1}},{"id":368,"translates":{"title":"Ready-Made Website","description":"If you want to launch your website as soon as possible, let us help!
\r\nThe template customization service includes:
\r\n\r\n- Template installation;
\r\n- Changing your website color scheme;
\r\n- Adding your logo;
\r\n- Updating 6 pages with your content;
\r\n- Contact form activation with foolproof testing.
\r\n\r\n*We offer 2 free customization revisions for this service.
\r\n**It may take up to 10 业务 days to complete this service.","short描述":""},"prices":{"regular":149,"regularLabel":"$149","discount":119,"discountLabel":"$119"},"gee":{"item_id":"368","item_name":"Offer","affiliation":"FM","discount":0.3,"item_brand":"Ready-Made Website","item_category":"FM: Moto 3: Ready-Made Website","item_category2":"channel - tm2-preview","item_category3":"ontemplate","item_variant":"premium","price":1.19,"quantity":1,"item_list_name":"Product Page - Moto CMS 3模板","index":2}},{"id":935,"translates":{"title":"Advanced 触点形式","description":"Create a 触点形式 with unlimited amount of fields, checkboxes, radio buttons and more.\r\n
\r\nIf MotoCMS 3 Regular 触点形式 features are not enough for your website, you need this advanced plugin, that will be installed on your website within just 6 hours.\r\n
\r\nWhat is included?<\/strong>
\r\n- Unlimited Fields. Add text fields, text areas, checkboxes, drop-down lists (sel ect box), radio buttons and Submit buttons with no limitations.
\r\n- Automatic Notifications. Set notifications for users when the form submission is in progress, is successfully completed, can not be completed because of an error.
\r\n- Validation Rules. Customize error texts, set max & min field length options.
\r\n- ReCAPTCHA Field. Protect your site fr om spam and abuse by adding reCAPTCHA.\r\n
\r\nMinimum MotoCMS 3 version required is v. 3.2.5.","short描述":""},"prices":{"regular":29,"regularLabel":"$29","discount":29,"discountLabel":"$29"},"gee":{"item_id":"935","item_name":"Offer","affiliation":"FM","discount":0,"item_brand":"Advanced 触点形式","item_category":"FM: Moto: Advanced 触点形式","item_category2":"channel - tm2-preview","item_category3":"ontemplate","item_variant":"premium","price":0.29,"quantity":1,"item_list_name":"Product Page - Moto CMS 3模板","index":3}},{"id":849,"translates":{"title":"Must-Have Pack","description":"Essential plugins, graphics and 服务 for your website:
\r\n\r\n- Advanced 触点形式 plugin with unlimited amount of fields, checkboxes, radio buttons and more;
\r\n- eCommerce plugin to create a functional online store;
\r\n- Page speed booster service for website images optimization;
\r\n- 45 social media images to make your profiles look attractive;
\r\n- 40 Google AdWords banners for any advertising campaigns;
\r\n- 60 Icons to customize your website content.","short描述":""},"prices":{"regular":79,"regularLabel":"$79","discount":79,"discountLabel":"$79"},"gee":{"item_id":"849","item_name":"Offer","affiliation":"FM","discount":0,"item_brand":"Must-Have Pack","item_category":"FM: MotoCMS3: Must-Have Pack","item_category2":"channel - tm2-preview","item_category3":"ontemplate","item_variant":"premium","price":0.79,"quantity":1,"item_list_name":"Product Page - Moto CMS 3模板","index":4}},{"id":1027,"translates":{"title":"On-Page SEO Optimization","description":"Want your website to get high SEO ranking and well-targeted organic traffic?\r\nWe will make the necessary changes, guide you through all aspects of on-site optimization and make sure that your website is properly crawled by search engines.
\r\nThis offer will help you optimize up to 6 pages of your website, get them indexed, and improve an overall website performance.
\r\n\r\nWhat Is Inside<\/strong>
\r\n- Overall organic performance analysis.
\r\n- Semantic analysis and keyword mapping.
\r\n- Search volume analysis, local keyword targeting.
\r\n- SEO competitors evaluation and competitive 策略 planning.
\r\n- Meta tags optimization (meta titles, meta descriptions, URLs, title tags). Web content keyword optimization.
\r\n- Internal linking.
\r\n- Up to 1800 words of additional SEO copywriting
\r\n- Creating a reference for future updates and focused pages.
\r\n- Fast delivery - 20 业务 days starting from the moment of the detailed specification of your task and our acknowledgment of its receipt.
\r\n- Instant result - you see the traffic and position change right after the website update and indexing.
\r\n\r\n*The first changes will be visible after the website indexing. Further growth and development of your website pages will depend on the off-site factors, your backlink 策略, and promotion.
\r\n\r\n**Clients can get a 10-40% refund if they are not satisfied with the result. It depends on the optimization stage and the amount of data provided by our SEO specialists. We are not making refunds for the completed projects.
\r\n\r\nPlease note:<\/strong> This offer is provided for websites with English, 俄罗斯, and 西班牙语 content only.
\r\nThe service doesn't include addition of the created content to your site.","short描述":"Provided by Web Studio SEO Team"},"prices":{"regular":329,"regularLabel":"$329","discount":329,"discountLabel":"$329"},"gee":{"item_id":"1027","item_name":"Offer","affiliation":"FM","discount":0,"item_brand":"On-Page SEO Optimization","item_category":"FM: Moto: Extended On-Page SEO Optimization","item_category2":"channel - tm2-preview","item_category3":"ontemplate","item_variant":"premium","price":3.29,"quantity":1,"item_list_name":"Product Page - Moto CMS 3模板","index":5}}]" data-translations='{"addToCart":"Add to Cart","cartHeaderLabel":"Choose a license","addedToCart":"Added to Cart","服务Caption":"Popular 服务 from Moto CMS 3模板 Experts","additionalText":"Or","tabText":"Get in Subscription","tabTextExlucive":"Get 35% Discount","download":"Download"}' data-type-id="168158" data-types='{"HTML_ID":50108,"WORDPRESS_ID":50125,"JOOMLA_ID":50126,"OPENCART_ID":50122,"WOOCOMMERCE_ID":61529,"SHOPIFY_ID":67280,"LOGO_TEMPLATES_ID":50133,"LANDING_PAGE_ID":168633,"NEWSLETTER_ID":109856,"ADMIN_TEMPLATES_ID":207799,"BIGCOMMERCE_ID":845761,"PRESTASHOP_ID":50116,"MOTO_CMS3_ID":168158,"MOTOCMS_ECOMMERCE_ID":208727,"DRUPAL_ID":50127}'>
如果你想分享你的经验和知识, 并通过实施强大的业务开发解决方案,帮助企业主提高收入,使公司更快地发展, 然后你需要一个在线平台来帮助你实现目标. 我们确信,从MotoCMS启动网站模板是你所需要的. 它提供了两种不同的主页和许多子页面,以清晰地呈现所有信息,使访问者甚至不会有问题. 不过,如果他们愿意的话,它还包括一个常见问题解答部分和一个高级联系表单,以便与你保持联系. 尝试免费的14天演示版本,以确保它是值得的!
北极v1.2 2021-01-29
- 添加了一个标签列表小部件,可以在网站的任何页面上显示现有博客标签的列表;
- 添加了现成设计的内容块;
- 已更新至最新MotoCMS 3版本;
- 错误修复.
北极v1.1 2020-06-25
- 在Container小部件中添加了激活“Sticky”模式时指定背景颜色的功能. 在这种情况下, 容器的背景颜色在正常模式和“粘滞”模式下可能会有所不同;
- 增加了一个新的计数器小部件, 它允许向站点页面添加平滑的动画计数器;
- 已更新至最新MotoCMS 3版本;
- 错误修复.
这是一个很好的主题. 它很容易定制,颜色可以很容易地改变没有任何限制. 有许多页面准备修改,它包括许多高质量的图像. WhatsApp的功能对客户关系非常有用. 我们的客户喜欢它:)内置的联系方式提供了许多功能. 如果它们对你来说还不够, 可以方便地购买高级联系表单插件和, 有了这个插件, 准备任何类型的表格是没有限制的. 无论是求职申请、文件传输、联系表格等. 14天的试用期也是一个重要的优势.
伟大的产品和快速的支持. 响应是即时的,非常有帮助
伟大的模板创建一个专业的商业网站. 它有一个新鲜和吸引人的设计,易于定制和适应移动设备. 网站创建与此模板是简单的容易拖放建设者. 使用它,你不需要学习代码或聘请网页设计师. 此外,里面有很多提示可以帮助你开始. 但是,如果您有任何问题,您可以联系支持团队. 感谢MotoCMS为我的美丽的网站!